Bamboo is often dubbed The Miracle Plant. It's not hard to see why.
At the very start of our journey in 2013, our founder and CEO Ciara Donlon set out to find a material for her product range that comforted women wearing post-op bras, as opposed to the itchy, scratchy, uncomfortable bras currently on the market.
Ciara discovered bamboo, and upon learning more about it, considered it a miracle material.
Bamboo has gained worldwide recognition as a miracle resource, and it's easy to see why:
- Bamboo is an incredibly sustainable resource
- Unlike countless other fibres, bamboo requires no fertilisers, pesticides or farm machinery
- Beloved bamboo accelarates healing as its naturally anti-bacterial, highly absorbent and wickable, UV resistant, hypoallergenic and thermally regulating.
So the question isn't, why bamboo?
But, why not bamboo!
Ciara chose to use this amazing material for all our products but went one step further and decided to validate all those amazing properties scientifically. This led to a clinical study that examined the physical and psycho-social aspect of apparel worn for four weeks, post surgery. The results were astounding and only further reinforced the miracle reputation of bamboo.