Why Did We Choose Bamboo For Fabric?

The benefits of using bamboo as a fabric

At the very start of our journey in 2013, our founder and CEO Ciara wanted to use a material for her product range that comforted the ladies wearing post op bras as opposed to the itchy, scratchy, uncomfortable bras currently on the market. Ciara came across bamboo and thought it sounded like a miracle material! Not only is it sustainable, uses no fertilisers, pesticides or farm machinery it speeds up healing as its naturally anti-bacterial, highly absorbent and wickable, UV resistant, hypoallergenic and thermally regulating phew what a CV!!! Ciara chose to use this amazing material for all our products but went one step further and decided to validate all those amazing properties scientifically. This led to a clinical study which looked at the physical and psycho-social aspect of what you wear for the first four weeks post surgery, click here for those amazing results! Plus we looked at the bamboo material and proved its healing properties all of which you can find here. 

THEYA's Patented Bamboo Fabric.

Our patented bamboo mix fabric is extremely soft and breathable. Since we only use bamboo that is OEKO-TEX Standard 100 approved, you can be sure that it is free of harmful substances and will be kind to skin, even very sensitive skin! Our bamboo material helps people with skin ailments, breast pain, blisters, burns, skin breakages and leaky wounds. Its your best friend for your healing journey.

Our Favourite Bamboo Facts

1. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can grow 3 feet in height in 24 hours under appropriate climate conditions. Unlike other woody plants, bamboo reaches maturity after only 3 to 5 years.

2. Bamboo is a self sustaining plant, it does not require fertilisers for growth. Discarded leaves of bamboo provide all the needed nutrients when they start to decompose.

3. Bamboo is widely used across east & south east Asia in medicine to treat infections and to accelerate the healing of wounds. Bamboo ‘salt’ toothpaste is one of the top consumed toothpastes in South Korea as it is popular for treating gum disease and gum related infections.

4. As well as being kind to skin, bamboo is as equally kind to our planet. Bamboo absorbs about 5 times the amount of carbon dioxide and produces about 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees, FACT!

5. Bamboo can also tolerate extreme conditions that most plants cannot. It was actually the first plant to re-green after the atomic blast in Hiroshima.

6. It’s not a tree! Bamboo is classified as a grass and it is actually the largest member of the grass family.

Bamboo vs Cotton, the dirty truth!

Bamboo Cotton

Bamboo requires no fertiliser, zero pesticides and self-regenerates from its own roots and doesn’t need to be replanted as a result. In addition, pesticides and fungicides are not used in the growing of bamboo as is it is seldom eaten by insects or infected by pathogens.

Cotton accounts for 24% of the world’s insecticide market and 11% of the sale of global pesticides.

Prevents soil erosion. Because bamboo roots are never disturbed, a canopy always remains in place, which helps prevent soil erosion. The canopy also reduces the surface temperature in the immediate area as the bamboo leaves absorb sunlight and provide constant shade.

The extensive root system of bamboo and the fact that it is not uprooted during harvesting means bamboo actually helps preserve soil and prevent soil erosion.

The bamboo plant’s root system creates an effective watershed, stitching the soil together along fragile river banks, deforested areas and in places prone to mudslides.

Because of the bamboo’s fast growth and dense foliage start restoring degraded soils and re-establishing a cooler micro-climate.

Conventional cotton-growing also causes a severe reduction in soil quality through the impact of constant use of pesticides on soil organisms. Yearly replanting of crops such as cotton leads to soil erosion.

Bamboo does not drain water resources. Bamboo grown in Asia does not require irrigation because it is harvested in a climate that has sufficient rainfall needed for the growth of the plant. In many climates, after the bamboo has been in the ground for 3-5 years, water is no longer necessary for survival.

Compare bamboo to cotton which is a thirsty crop – it can take up to 20,000 litres of water to produce 1 kg of cotton and 73% of the global cotton harvest comes from irrigated land.

Organic cotton is a thirsty plant with around 256.6 gallons of water required to grow enough to make one t-shirt.

Bamboo is frequently proclaimed as the world's most renewable material: it's naturally pest-resistant, grows incredibly fast and can actually help rebuild eroded soil and is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world.

Bamboo viscose is better to the environment than traditional bamboo fabrics (such as rayon) which might use wood from old growth or clear-cut forests.

With average yields for bamboo of up to 60 tonnes per hectare greatly exceeding the average yield of 20 tonnes for most trees and the average yield of 2 tonnes per hectare for cotton, bamboo’s high yield per hectare becomes it more sustainable than trees and cotton.

WWF estimates about 73 percent of the global cotton crop is grown on irrigated land.

The global average water footprint for 1kg of cotton is 10,000 litres.

The Science.


Learn more about the science behind our bamboo fabric here.

About Theya Healthcare.

Learn more about Theya Healthcare and our company.